Thursday, March 25, 2010

Starting Over

The team now is having a major restructuring. Two of STORM INC partners have decided to leave and we would like to announce our new team member - Muhammad Azizi Muhammad Fauzi.

I wish all the best to the new Storm Inc member an hopefully this will be the most exciting journey he'll ever experience.. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The MIX Briefing


This evening, we attended the MIX (MoneyTree IdeaXchange) briefing held in MoneyTree academy. We were thrilled with the new enterpreneutial route that MoneyTree has prepared for us. MIX is an alternative for the YES teams that are not shortlisted for the judging session or the BIG PITCH.

The teams are given the chances to improve their business ideas, preparing corporate letters to companies within their industries and even organizing project activities to raise the company's capital.

The concept is simple, 'start with collecting small amount of money as corporate funds' an expand it marginally. Teams will need to raise RM 600 as an internal funds and continue b raising RM 1500 by writing corporate letters for sponsorship. If the teams manage to collect up to this amount, MoneyTree will arrange a pitching session with CEOs and managing directors to convinced them the viability of thier business ideas and of course to 'beg' for their money =).

The pitch will lead the team to project actvites and eventually, as Mike said " You can hug UV and beg him for Moneytree's fund if you manage to reach up to this level"...(Wink2~(^_^)..)

I guess MIX is very good platform for us to make our business idea turn into reality. Instead, I really do like MIX platform better than YES as it is compatible with our tight academic schedule.

With the help of our best Mentors,our passion and eagerness in business travelling will make this business dream comes true.

Till Then,