Thursday, March 25, 2010

Starting Over

The team now is having a major restructuring. Two of STORM INC partners have decided to leave and we would like to announce our new team member - Muhammad Azizi Muhammad Fauzi.

I wish all the best to the new Storm Inc member an hopefully this will be the most exciting journey he'll ever experience.. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The MIX Briefing


This evening, we attended the MIX (MoneyTree IdeaXchange) briefing held in MoneyTree academy. We were thrilled with the new enterpreneutial route that MoneyTree has prepared for us. MIX is an alternative for the YES teams that are not shortlisted for the judging session or the BIG PITCH.

The teams are given the chances to improve their business ideas, preparing corporate letters to companies within their industries and even organizing project activities to raise the company's capital.

The concept is simple, 'start with collecting small amount of money as corporate funds' an expand it marginally. Teams will need to raise RM 600 as an internal funds and continue b raising RM 1500 by writing corporate letters for sponsorship. If the teams manage to collect up to this amount, MoneyTree will arrange a pitching session with CEOs and managing directors to convinced them the viability of thier business ideas and of course to 'beg' for their money =).

The pitch will lead the team to project actvites and eventually, as Mike said " You can hug UV and beg him for Moneytree's fund if you manage to reach up to this level"...(Wink2~(^_^)..)

I guess MIX is very good platform for us to make our business idea turn into reality. Instead, I really do like MIX platform better than YES as it is compatible with our tight academic schedule.

With the help of our best Mentors,our passion and eagerness in business travelling will make this business dream comes true.

Till Then,

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Final Preparation

Friday 12 March 2010

10.00pm : The team is going through every possible questions that judges might come up in mind. Thanx to Mr.Emri's brutal questions and his great advice, we know we'll do better tomorrow.

1.00am : Everybody is heading home..(Goodluck team!!)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What We Offer

A few days to go b4 the presentation! And we are busy preparing the slides and elevator pitch that should have the 'Ooooommphhh' factor , so that we can grab the judges attention and interests :)

Elevator pitch includes what our company are trying to do~and here is part of our elevator pitch- the services. " Storm Inc provides services of handling students’ travelling and lodging arrangement. Our mission is to facilitate students in getting a delightful and affordable place for tour and outdoor activities, and accommodate with a worthy mode of transport."

Well, there is a lot of reconstruction to be done in our 1st phase of elevator pitch since it is not captivating enough..
hmm...that means, more panda's eyes (~,~)

Work hard team mates!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

ATTENTION::Maybank Money Tree YES Challenge 2 Breaktrough Session is Coming Ur Way..

The Maybank MoneyTree YES 2 Challence Breakthrough Session is happening in 5 more days. 30 teams will battle it out against each other and only 10 teams will be shortlisted for the next session.Who will survive? Witness this challenging and intense competition for the search of the next business savvy.For those who are interested, write to Wong Yu Vee at Only 15 seats allocated for each college/univ on a first com first serve basis. Dont miss out..! 

Details of the breakthrough session is as follows : 

Date: 13th March 2010 (Saturday) 
Time: 10:00am - 4:30pm 
Venue: The STAR Cybertorium, Level 2, Menara The Star, 15, Jalan 16/11, PJ 

p/s :: The team members wishes to outshine themselves during the pitching session. Give us your support and make us 'stars' of the day..!!

MICPA Management Simulation Game :: 1st Runner Up Winners

 On 5th of March 2010, our team ( the Business savvy wannabe..) (^_^) representing UiTM for the MICPA Management Simulation Game which was held in UKM.

We were given a business software manual complete with the company's business case where each team was assigned as the Top Management of the company.

Each team was required to plan and make the best decision making that will lead to the business profitablity. The game required us to use a business application software to make the 6 important decisions including financing, marketing and production.

 The challenge was explicitly intensed. Our team was not exposed with usage of the application before and was a bit inferior when others were working thoroughly with the software. But, we certainly can do 1 thing to make it better. LEARN..!

And that is how we won. We read, discussed and manage to plan everything in order.  Thanx to the wonder of 'computer probs' to align with the software. The morning session turn out to be an end-user test play. All teams were unable to use and transfer the data to the server. Therefore, the lecturer incharged told us to start over after the Friday Prayer.

The game was a good experienced and we gather tons of knowledge 0n how to manage and make a useful decision for ur business. We hope this will be a great momentum to enhance our ability in dealing with our business and of course, a good start to convince ourself to win the moneytree challenge..

Till then,

Keys A.R.M.Y (the random Lady) 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

B is Better..

A Day before Chinese New Year Holiday ::
We were struggling trying to make every possible sentences to convinve the judge that our business idea is 'a worthwile investment'..
As Business idea A => the juices vending machine is totally 'not a good one', we proceed with the Business idea B => a web application for tourism which can be very advantageous for students.
Not that I am not impresed with the plan A, but the fact that the technology itself is hard to understand and with major constraints on its actual facts and information, the idea seems to lead us to nowhere..( sorry ZAIM, I know u love that idea so much..) 
Now, with the help of our mentor ( Mr. ACCA - Luqman ), plan B seems to show a promising future. I'm not sure it is adviseable for us to share our business idea especially it is still in UV's email archive waiting for its judgement day ( im so worry..(*_*)..)
Can't continue...suddenly i feel so 'speechless'..
till then,
keys A.R.M......Y

~* the 1st idea *~

Once upon a time, in a far far away city, away from her homeland, a girl was sighing she wish to be reunited with her family..after a week full of brainstorming- d tests week!

Hmm..what a great weekend if only she could spend her time with her beloved family...But wait, she still has her friends! Why don't they go 2 smwhere else.. like movies? urm,midnite? (pop corn!!, yummy :) bowling? shopping? *sigh* tempting, but it's so typical.. she wants to make it more special, to celebrate n pamper herself..after 1 hectic week where she got her panda's eyes (@_@).. Dang! Suddenly a flash of picturesque view 'pop' in her mind..

A sparkling crystal blue water,with white sandy beaches..and a soft breeze that kisses her face..and the smell of mouth-watering barbeque...and the laughter of her best friends....

It's so peaceful..tranquil..and wonderful..away from the hustle bustle of city life.. 'Omg, how i wish to be part of the picture.. Can't it happen this weekend? *sigh* a bit late 2 arrange that.. And the money.. ($_$).. '

1st IDEA~Aha! That's where our team comes in. We were thinking, why don't we arrange outings for students? Student Tourism. Of course, at student budget (^^) We, student like to hang out with our friends, not just in shopping mall, or cinema, but we do want to create great memories together.. And you can decide where your wonderful memories will begin, just at your fingertips :) ~harizah~

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nightwalker meeting

5th February 2010 (midnite)

Harizah n i joined the Non-Resident Team Building camp in Pahang as the facilitator. At 1st, we were very excited about it, especially when we get the chance to play around wit the JPNR to be.(hehehe..evil laughs..(^_^).)

But apparently, it was the day when our team stucked with our business idea + the monday statistic's test..and owh dear!that, wasn't sound exciting to us..

I guess we left with no choice coz if pull out from the event, someone will be very2 piss off!! ( bet the team can imagine who..=O..)So that evening, we packed, drove to Teratai's Bus stop and set ourselves in as 1 one of the facis..the journey continues..the bustrip to Dusun Eco Resort wasn't that long,it took us 1 hour n a half to be there. But we were a little bit exhausted due to our endless brainstorm activity throughout the we slept the whole time n nobody ever dare trying to disturp us ( BIG thank u for that..!=)..)

Now here goes the midnite event. We were supposed to accompany our future JPNR for the nightwalking activity. The road was tremendous..!we have to walk all the way for 2 hours,pass through every possible obsticle and the good thing is...we managed to came out with *ting2* a new BUSINESS IDEA..!

What a great 2 hours journey. The sweats really make us activated n we kept pouring ideas 1 after another..The force to win made us more excited n we luv our adventerous meeting..(^_^)

hrmm, i wonder...wasn't it cozy to talk business at a place surrounded by nature..? ;-) hehe..

till then,

keys A.R.M.Y (the random lady)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

we were KILLED..

5th February 2010

We were tormented. Brandon and UV just killed our Juices vending machine idea.

We were supposed to meet our Dean just to gather his opinion abt our business idea n of course with the hope that he will likes it, we would be able to receive his letter of intent..

But, suprisingly, it was the same day ( n coincidently the same time!..) Brandon n UV came to give a brief talk about Money Tree Entrepreneurship Modul to our Dean.

Perhaps we were lucky,though we should be expecting what Brandon will say when he heard abt our idea. Unfortunately, we were not ready..

So, yeah...we have to accept the fact that we hve spent a week just to make sure the idea went well. And now we only have 1 week left for a start over..


till then,

Keys A.R.M.Y (the random lady..)

The 1 Blog

Day 1 (the Am's)

 Today I attended the 1-Day Money Tree Entrepreneurship program. In my point of view, it will be a start up of everything. 
It changes the way i think of what businesses really is, it challenges me on how can I apply my ability to think, work and the most importantly to sell my business idea to people. To learn on how to create the trust among the anonymous who never thought that one day, their money can actually grow through their investment in our business. 'Our business'..the business that us, the young and naive adolescents can make and achieve.


1-Day Money Tree Entrepreneur Training. Our session started with a short introduction about 
Money Tree corporation and continued with 3 hours valuable stories about what is actually the entrepreneur's minset. What an entrepreneur thinks everytime he sees the problems that people have everyday. What opprtunity they can seize from the ideas that he generated. To be honest, before I come to this class,I only see entrepreneur as a person who knows how to risk his life savings for some lame ideas that he had.
To me it is a matter of wasting your time wandering around, meeting people with the hope that they are compelled to buy your product/services. VITAL CHANGE IS NEEDED.! Who cares with unsuccessful selling when you can make a life changing experience with it..
People said, deal with failure with reasonable thoughts and acts, and u can see how things would work out for u..

 So I learn my most valuable lessons with Brandon's 3 hours talked, challenge yourselves and you will see what the future holds for you =)..
Till then,
Keys A.R.M.Y  (the Random lady..)